Sale price€79,99 EUR

Size: S
Color: Sand copper yellow


Origin: Ender Mechastadt

In the Ender Mecha City on the desert side of the mainland there is a group of crazy mechanic enthusiasts who are known everywhere.

They are tired of the limitations of the physical body and preach improvement through prostheses and electronic implants.

They want to advance their own evolution and thereby change the wonder of their own carbon-based existence.

The first step was the perfection of mechanical sexual organs such as the penis. Here project called Evolution A.
A large mechanical monster powered by steam and electrical impulses in the shape of a horse.

Perfect new technology that reflects primitive desires in mechanical penis form. The mad scientist himself gave it his name and let hot blood run through the cold metal.

The penis is more than just technological aesthetics and hard metal - the filigree lines and connections of flesh work like a miracle on those who touch it. Every thrust is a powerful mechanical pump.

The thrusts are aggressive and hard every time, hitting the point that drives you into orgasm until a hot white liquid shoots out of the tip.