Sale price€49,99 EUR

Color: Sandalwood Yellow


Origin: Darkstream Dungeon

VELOX are a group of small, pampered dinosaurs on the mainland of Nothosaur. They live in the Demon Orchard and are known for their playful nature but also for their "pranks"

VELOX are about the size of a turkey with short, stiff tails and are recognizable by their long neck with larger and smaller "spines". They are fast and agile and disappear just as quickly as they appeared when, for example, they steal fruit.

They often cause travelers to scream with joy when they have chosen someone to bother them.

Travelers without experience misperceive the playful behavior and notice too late when the raptors are already licking their sensitive areas and trying to stick their head into one of their holes.

The travelers' lustful cries quickly dispel their fear and soon they surrender completely and end up covered in an unknown liquid.

Oh this little group of dinosaurs has won again.