Sale price€49,99 EUR

Size: MINI
Color: Milkberry


Origin: Frozen ice fields

T-icecream is a specialty of the Frozen Icefield on the northern glaciers of the Nothosaur Mainland.
It is made by Glacier Princess QALU with the help of TORBEN.
The raw materials are obtained from the pure glacial water of the Frozen Ice Field and the milk of the Brooke Grassland.
The taste is gentle and sweet, and the aroma is persistent.
The best part is the delicious tentacle on top of the ice cream! It is kindly provided by ABYSSII.
Each fresh tentacle was plucked from the Sea of ​​Awakening by ABYSSII.
They are springy, fresh and delicious!

Maybe it's because of the magic of the materials used and the aura inside that such T-icecream doesn't melt so easily.
It can stay fresh and frozen for months or even years.
This makes T-Ice a popular food on the Nothosaur mainland. It has become a specialty that everyone loves to eat...
People are particularly happy about such frozen delicacies in the Opatra Desert and the Flame Dance Volcano.
The fiery dragons there have developed a new way of "tasting" to taste the icy delicacy better - in the meat hole!
The rubbing feeling of the hand, the freezing feeling of the glacier, the hot air between ice and fire.
Excitement and pleasure both come.