Sale price€49,99 EUR

Size: MINI
Color: Milkberry


Origin: Frozen ice fields

Maybe it's because of the magic of the materials used and the aura inside that such T-ice cream doesn't melt so easily.
It can stay fresh and frozen for months or even years.
This makes T-ice cream a popular food on the Nothosaurian mainland. It has become a specialty that everyone loves to eat.
Such frozen delicacies are particularly popular in the Opatra Desert and on the Flame Dance Volcano.
But be careful in the hot and fiery, terrible, waterless Opatra desert and the boiling and rolling flame dance volcano.
Even the magical T ice cream can't withstand the heat here.
Oops!!.. it's melting.
The melted ice slowly slides into your body and the freezing feeling of the glacier sets in immediately.
Enjoy it before it's gone~