Sale price€49,99 EUR

Size: MINI
Color: Rust Red


Origin: Daimon Castle
Legend has it that the orcs, like Mephisto, were the fallen gods of the Nothosaurian mainland. They were punished for their treachery and deported to the Daimon Castle of the East, after having their penises pierced so that they would lose their ability to reproduce and having their piercings nailed on.

Since then, the only way for the breed to reproduce is to split the body, but even then the newborn cannot alter the genetic piercing.
It is a bear beast, but it is also a half-demon that loves to torture people.

Everyone who heard that you wanted to look for him tried to dissuade you:
"OAK is a demon who has no feelings and loves to torture people, look at the chain collar on his penis! That's the proof."
"He will put chains on you to bind you, and if you disobey, he will drive the nails into your body! Enjoy your screams."

"I heard that the divine punishment was a piercing that deprived their community of the ability to reproduce, and because of this piercing they had no sense of shame.
They even handcuffed themselves in public and laughed, a circle of raised round swirl at the base of the penis is the sinful ankle bracelet, yuck, disgusting!"

But...you can't feel his beauty until you actually see him, face to face with OAK......