Sale price€69,99 EUR

Color: Curio Brown


Origin: Darkstream Dungeon

OVOMORPH is an egg laid by a wormhole creature from the depths of space that descended deep into the Darkstream Dungeon of the Nothosaurus Mainland.
The wormhole creatures from deep space hope that the OVOMORPH will enable their race to thrive here.
The OVOMORPH has a black and brown skin color and contains inside the larvae of the second stage of the wormhole creature from deep space - ZERGER.
The top of the OVOMORPH remains closed if the ZERGER has not yet found a suitable host.
When it detects a suitable host nearby, it opens the four software joints on the top, allowing the ZERGER to smoothly emerge from itself and pounce on the suitable nearby host.
In the event of a strong enemy attack, the OVOMORPH can expel a powerful aphrodisiac and hallucinogenic fluid to seduce the host and ensure that the ZERGER can be successfully parasitized.

The OVOMORPH also works with the GOBLIN who lives in the Darkstream Dungeon.
The GOBLIN brings the OVOMORPH suitable hosts to help them reproduce.
In return, the OVOMORPH regularly supplies the GOBLIN with self-produced, highly pure mucus containing strong aphrodisiacs and hallucinogens.
The GOBLINs use their slime to create a highly popular "lubricant" that has yet to appear on the Nothosaur mainland!
The high purity of the lubricant is amazing, but it also has an aphrodisiac effect that can greatly increase the excitement and arousal of the sexes.