Sale price€59,99 EUR

Size: S
Color: Gemstone Green


  • Origin: Haven of infatuation
  • AGNME was originally an elegant elf who sang lullabies in the Valley of Windsong until he was seduced by demons and cast into the depths of the sea. Day in and day out he sang the songs of the beguiling mermaids. He is half human, half fish. Its scales sparkle in the moonlight and the flickering lantern light of the boats on the surface. AGNME has a cold, pained countenance. His grey-blue eyes full of sadness, but still loving. His melancholy and moving voice continues to sing the story of himself. AGNME has a wavy yet tender penis. He seduced the crew and passing hikers with his beauty and his singing. He used his extensive weapons to demand warmth and security. His gigantic fins wrapped around them as they slowly felt his round shaft. The curved shape of his cock caused more and more excitement. The violent onslaught was merciless as the waves, the seduction, fascinated the crew and hikers more and more, leading to sensual obsession. Only warm, erotic bodily fluids could temporarily fill AGNME's empty heart.