Sale price€49,99 EUR

Size: MINI
Color: Violet-blue stream


Origin: Hownling Jungle
Nothosaur oriental visionary masterpiece, a book called "Classics of Mountains and Seas".
Beasts were born and scattered throughout Nothosaur's mainland.
MOOM is one of those exotic creatures that live in the giant trees of the Howling Jungle.
Inside the seemingly ordinary and damp trees is their excellent and flourishing world of little MOOM people!
They take the dew on the leaves as water and collect the fallen pine cones and fruit to store. The vines and leaves are a playground that they enjoy.
MOOM loves to go to the Famario library on warm, sunny afternoons and gather there to listen to poems and stories.
Their heads are round and cute, like a little round hat. The middle part is intertwined with tendrils. The love symbol at the bottom center is the badge of MOOM's lustful nature.
At the base there are sharp thorns from the earth, which serve as weapons to ward off insects in the forest. Legend has it that if you have sex with a MOOM, you will receive the blessing of the forest.
You will then be protected from insect bites for life and will immediately know the names of everything that occurs in the Howling Jungle. Would you like to meet a MOOM?