Sale price€139,99 EUR

Color: Blue Black


Area: Nether Realm Crack
According to legend, a cruel and evil dragon named MEO orbits the Nether Realm Crack of the Nosthosaur Mainland. No one has ever seen his true form, but his name and power are passed down among the bravest warriors.

The heroes often lie in wait among the Nether Realm Crack, trying to catch a glimpse of the legendary MEO, but they have never succeeded. Sometimes even the heroes themselves doubt that the MEO Dragon really exists. However, occasionally someone discovers the MEO's scales, and the warriors collect these scales.

The MEO's scales are a mysterious and enchanting appearance. They are extremely valuable and are often traded on the black market, where they are unaffordable to the common people and even to non-royal nobles.

When ordinary people see the MEO's scales, they are fascinated by their green glow, reminiscent of an emerald. Their deep black color evokes thoughts of the darkness of the universe. Each scale contains the wisdom and course of countless ages.

When you look at the Meo's scales, you feel a strange power. Even a fleeting encounter cannot be forgotten because of the intense presence it radiates. The bright green light touches the heart and longing can be seen in the eyes.

It is said that the scales of MEO, when applied to a wound, rapidly stimulate the cells, causing rapid healing. Undoubtedly, it is a medical artifact for military use. Nobles also discovered other uses for it. In the silence of the night, they place the dragon scales on their most intimate places and gently press and rub them with their hands, alternating between light and firm touches. The constant stimulation and irritation of her intimate muscles allows the prostate fluid to be released, resulting in a state of heavenly pleasure and torment. During this time, the brain produces hallucinations, a floating feeling as if the MEO was standing right in front of them. They feel constricted by the dragon's oppressive aura, their breathing becomes heavy and their body becomes numb. After the climax, the mind becomes clear again, but the nobles gradually become addicted and cannot stop.

The MEO's scales seem to possess a beguiling power that controls the royal nobles, causing them to spend exorbitant sums to experience this fantastic form of pleasure, willingly sinking into depravity.