Sale price€49,99 EUR

Size: MINI
Color: Mirage


  • Origin: Brooke Grassland
  • EIN was originally a magnificent winged angel from another world. However, through a forbidden love, his wings were shattered and his tail destroyed in God's vengeance. Transformed into a stallion, forever banished to the chaos of the space-time rifts. By a stroke of fate, EIN entered the world of Nothosaur. Despite this world of love and freedom, EIN, due to its lack of divine characteristics, was initially viewed as a joke. The hormones pounded the young stallion day in and day out... Unable to handle the pressure. EIN gradually became effeminate, but the hormones inside persisted and his desire for sex increased immeasurably. But he found no way out, only growing anger. At the height of his anger there was a scream. A scream that released all of his pent up energy. Eternally searching for the satisfaction of his endless lust. A stunningly bright, rainbow light erupted from his forehead and he lost consciousness. When EIN came to, he was greeted by the luxuriant sight of CONOLA lovingly having fun with the horn that EIN had grown. EIN felt a long-forgotten joy of sexual excitement. EIN began thrusting involuntarily while his exceptionally shaped horn brought fabulous satisfaction to CONOLA, who could barely hold back. At the climax, EIN began to shimmer in all the colors of the rainbow as his horn sprayed tons of seeds... Finally EIN's needs were fully satisfied.